I have many students ask me about which classes I teach. In the table below, I highlight my teaching experience for all classes that I’ve taught at Foothill College. I find my job as a teacher challenging, demanding, and exciting. To do this job well, I must invest a huge amount of my time and energy to create an environment that focuses my students on creating significant learning experiences during our time together. With this in mind, I usually say that the first 20 quarters that I teach a class, I expect to be in active design mode. This is where I am actively (re)designing major components of the course. After that point, I still plan to iterative and improve each course. However, after 20 unique quarters of experience, I expect my projects to focus on specialized aspects of course design.

Now that you know a little more about my attitude towards course development, you may be interested to learn that I teach three courses per quarter. Thus, I track two types of data associated with my teaching experience. First, I tally the number of unique quarters I’ve taught a particular class. Before the start of each quarter, I usually invest a large amount of time creating resources for each class that I teach. This process takes a huge investment of my time and thought. When tally my experience teaching each class, I count the number of quarters to track the number of times I’ve been able to invest a significant amount of my energy to update resources. This includes content development for all of the resources that I use in my classroom. To get a small sample of the type of work I produce for each of my classes, click on any of my class webpages in the table below and then follow any of the links provided on that page.

I also count the number of unique sections that I teach for each class. For each section that I teach, I get to know all the students in these sections and run unique quality control survey’s for these students. The section level data indicates how many students I’ve worked with and how many experiences I’ve had guiding learning in each course.

Math 220: Beginning Algebra
Math 105: Intermediate Algebra
Math 48A: PreCalculus 1
Math 48B: PreCalculus 2
Math 1A: Calculus I
Math 1C: Calculus III
15 + 1
17 + 1
Math 1D: Calculus IV
Math 2B: Applied Linear Algebra
20 + 1
22 + 2
Engineering 11: Intro to MATLAB
NCBS 403: Math Summer Bridge

Note: In the table above, the entries that include “+ 1” or “+ 2” indicate that I am currently teaching the corresponding course this quarter. As soon as I complete the course and submit final grades, I’ll execute this arithmetic and re-calculate the final count for each course in the table. Classes that are scheduled for future quarters do not show up in the table above.

In addition to my teaching experience, I find it helpful to track the specific quarters that I teach each course. In the table below, I outline my entire teaching history at Foothill College. In this table, I include links to important class resources associated with the corresponding class. These are intended to help students get a sense of how my classes have changed over time and also provide insights into the student experience in each course.

Fall 2024 Math 2B: M/W 10a - 12:15pm Math 2B: T/Th 10A - 12:15P Math 1C: T/Th 1:30P - 3:45P
Spring 2024 Engr 11

  1. Lecture: MW 10 - 11:50AM
  2. Lab Part 1: M 9 - 9:50AM
  3. Lab Part 2: W 8 - 9:50AM
Math 2B: T/Th 10A - 12:15P Math 1C: T/Th 1:30P - 3:45P
Winter 2024 Engr 11

  1. Lecture: MW 10 - 11:50AM
  2. Lab Part 1: M 9 - 9:50AM
  3. Lab Part 2: W 8 - 9:50AM
Math 2B: T/Th 10A - 12:15P Math 1C: T/Th 1:30P - 3:45P
Fall 2023 Math 1C:

  1. Lecture: M 10A - 12:50P
  2. Lecture: W 10A - 11:50A
Math 1C: MW 1:30P - 3:45P Math 2B: TR 10A - 12:15P
Summer 2023 Math Summer Bridge
Spring 2023 Math 48A: MW 1:30 - 3:45PM Math 1C: MW 6 - 8:15PM Math 2B: TR 6 - 8:15PM
Winter 2023 Engr 11

  1. Lecture: MW 10 - 11:50AM
  2. Lab 1: M 1 - 2:50PM
  3. Lab 2: W 1 - 1:50PM
Math 2B: TR 10AM Math 48A: TR 1:30PM
Fall 2022 Math 1C Virtual: MW 1:30PM Math 2B: TR 10AM Math 48A: TR 1:30PM
Summer 2022 Math Summer Bridge
Spring 2022 Math 2B Math 2B Math 48B: UMOJA
Winter 2022 Engineering 11 Math 105 Math 48A: UMOJA
Fall 2021 Professional Development Leave 1.3: ENGR 11 Video Production Project
Spring 2021 Math 2B Math 48B : UMOJA Math 1C
Winter 2021 Engineering 11 Math 48A : UMOJA Math 2B
Fall 2020 Professional Development Leave 1.2: ENGR 11 Video Production Project
Spring 2020 Professional Development Leave 1.1: MATH 2B Video Production Project
Winter 2020 Engineering 11

  1. W20 Exam 1 Reflections
Math 105 Math 105
Fall 2019 Math 2B Math 1C Math 105
Spring 2019 Math 2B Math 2B Math 1C
Winter 2019 Engineering 11 Math 1C Math 105
Fall 2018 None None None
Summer 2018 Math 1C None None
Spring 2018 Math 1D Math 105 Math 105
Winter 2018 Math 1C Math 1C Math 105
Fall 2017 Math 1C Math 1C Math 105
Spring 2017 Math 2B Math 1C Math 105
Winter 2017 Math 2B Math 105 Math 105
Fall 2016 Math 2B Math 105 None
Spring 2016 Math 2B Math 105 Math 105
Winter 2016 Math 2B Math 105 Math 105
Fall 2015 Math 2B Math 1C Math 105
Spring 2015 Math 1C Math 105 Math 105
Winter 2015 Math 2B Math 1A Math 1A
Fall 2014 Math 2B Math 1A Math 105
Summer 2014 Math 2B None None
Spring 2014 Math 1A Math 105 Math 105
Winter 2014 Math 1A Math 1A Math 105
Fall 2013 Math 1A Math 1A Math 220